My week 13/03/19

Last Friday I opened a magnificent new village hall in Thakeham, funded by new housing.  It is good for local communities to see that where more housing comes, which is often controversial, new facilities can be gained in return.  We have to make sure that local infrastructure is delivered, too.

I then held my advice ‘surgeries’ in the village hall, before dropping in to the Greyhound Brewery in West Chiltington to congratulate them on one of their ales being served as a guest beer in the House of Commons this week.

I also called in to the Five Bells Inn at West Chiltington to highlight National Bed & Breakfast Week which begins on Monday.

On Saturday I spoke at the Amberley Business Breakfast, which is always a great opportunity for the village to get together and discuss local issues.  Afterwards I joined residents in Slindon for a ‘spring clean’ of the village and woods, clearing up litter.

I bang on about litter, but I know that this is an issue which also upsets so many of my constituents.  The utterly selfish behaviour which sees crisp packets, plastic bottles, sweet wrappers and fast food packaging thrown out of vehicles is totally unacceptable.

On Saturday I will be visiting local shops to support High Street Saturday, a great campaign to promote the local businesses which are so important for our villages and small market towns.

I will also attend the opening of the new Worthing Hockey Club Pavilion/Clubhouse at The Angmering School, and then going to the Crawley & Horsham Point to Point at Parham.

I spoke in the House of Commons this week to support the Prime Minister’s Brexit deal and I was extremely disappointed when it was once again voted down.

I still believe that the referendum result must be honoured and that the right way to leave the EU is with a pragmatic deal.  I do not want to see ‘no-deal’, which I believe would be damaging.

I voted to leave the EU with a deal on 29 March, but - as I warned - when this was voted down a delay became inevitable.

The blame for this should not be attached to those of us who responsibly voted for the deal, but to those who opposed it.  This perpetual indecision is becoming a damaging farce.  The public rightly expect the issue to be sorted out.

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